Club & Golf Course: Teeing up ROI and time savings

SchedulePop teeing up ROI and time savings for Clubs and Golf Courses.

We’ve seen it many times, you want to be focusing on the next tournament, season opener, or big event but you’re bogged down dealing with your staff scheduling and management.

Managing multiple departments doesn’t leave much time to focus on your patrons. Especially when you have seasonal workers and multiple departments. Don’t fall for an expensive software that doesn’t provide results. SchedulePop has changed the game. Our software is a top of the line, inexpensive tool that will make your organization run smoother, save money on labor, and give you time to focus on your customers.

We’ve been servicing country clubs and courses for some time now and we’re always hearing the same problems. Luckily, we have the perfect solution.

Seasonal and Part-timer perfected

The number one talking point that’s brought up is “our business spikes in the summer and we drop down our staff size in the off-season”. If that’s your case, you’ve already found a match. SchedulePop’s flexible pricing options make it so you either pay for a specific period of the year, for the number of users you have, or a set price so you can add as many as you want year-round.

These options make it so you can choose the pricing package that works for your club. If you have a lot of part-timers, only pay for the season they are working. If your staff spikes during the busy season and drops during the off season, you shouldn’t have to pay the same price all year.

SchedulePop gives you the options needed to help your club save money on labor costs.

Multiple Department Management

If your club has multiple moving pieces this is a game changer.

All from one screen, you can manage multiple departments with ease. If you have managers for each department, they can easily manage and communicate with their team all while the GM or Asst. GM can oversee the entire staff.

This gives your management team the tools they need to conveniently handle their staff but keeps the upper administrative team in the loop with capability to monitor all departments. This functionality makes monitoring labor costs and your many staff very easy.

SchedulePop’s budgeting tools and labor management will help you oversee how to save money throughout the year so you can put money towards new projects or departments.

Mobile Savvy

Most clubs have been perfectly fine with their Excel or paper schedule. We completely get it, if it ain’t broke don't fix it.

But the problem with emailing or printing out your schedule is how do you handle the following:

  1. Employee time off

  2. Shift swaps

  3. Employee Availability

  4. Urgent alerts or messages

  5. Overtime Management

  6. Schedule Edits

  7. The 1,000 other things that come up

The list goes on and on.  

SchedulePop is the inexpensive tool that will solve all of those issues plus much more. Our software handles all of the above and gives your staff the convenience they need to receive their schedule via text message, email, Google Calendar, and our free mobile app. Even if members of your staff are not “tech savvy” the learning curve for SchedulePop takes no time at all.

If you want to ease into our software, you can still print out your schedule or download to email out. But trust us, once your staff and your managers start using SchedulePop, they will never go back.

Click here to learn more about why your Club or Golf Course will benefit with SchedulePop